How To Dose CBD & CBD Oil: How Much CBD Should You Take?

CBD and CBD oil should be taken properly to achieve the desired result.Normally, the right dosage in CBD and CBD oil is essential for improving their medicinal and therapeutic values. Taking the wrong dosage, might lead to devastating consequences, and failure to meet the desired therapeutic efficacy. This article aims to determine the best dosage for CBD and CBD oil. The information on CBD dosage will help users determine the correct amount of the products that ensures safe, effective, faster,and desirable treatment outcomes.

CBD Oil Dosage

The amount of CBD oils take is a common question among many users. Brown (2019)advised that before determining the right dosage, it is important ‘to listen to your body’ and decide what works for you. When determining CBD oil dosage, it is critical to understand that CBD targets different endpoints. For example, a lower dose is recommended in treating anxiety, while epileptic seizures require higher doses. First-time usersshould start with a small dosage. However,you can increase the dosage based on how your body reacts. The recommended dose for beginners is 2.5 mg/kg twice a dayfor two to three weeks. From there, you can increase the dose to 7.0 mg/kg. It is worth noting that it may take time to achieve the desired result. Factors like intense physical activities,body weight and metabolism may prevent the CBD from achieving desired treatment outcomes. Users should consider these factors to decide the right dosage for CBD oil.

CBD products’ dosage

CBD has a wide range of products such as gummies, skin care products, bath bombs, and vaping pills among others. All the THC Topicals by No Cap Hemp Co are effectiveonly when usedcorrectly. Therefore, you should take the right dosage to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. Understanding the dosage is essential. Teitelbaum (2019) noted that although CBD is safe, it is associated with several side effects such as reduced appetite, drowsiness, dry mouthand vomiting, among other effectsAdults may also experience depression and other behavioral disorders.

Brown &Winterstein (2019)recommendedfollowing daily CBDdosages fordifferent conditions.

  • Seizure : 2.5 mg
  • Anxiety : 300mg-600mg
  • Cancer-related pain-50-600 mg
  • Opioid addiction :400-800mg
  • Arthritis- spray: 30mg or topical : 250 mg

CBD products contain different mass per unit. Therefore, if a specific amount does not work, one can adjust the quantity to suit their needs.

An important yet understudied use of CBD is the dosage needed for recreational values. Some cannabis products have higher levels of THC compared to others. For instance, the full-spectrum CBD contains a higher concentration of THC. The entourage effect of THC includes, among others, a feeling of “being high.” A fundamental consideration for users of CBD should be the degree of being ‘high’; THC is psychoactive and can result in increased relaxation and a sense of euphoria. It is therefore important to select the best cannabis products based on the reason for using cannabis. For example, cannabis terpenes can provide the desired stress relief to an individual whereas, for those who wish to get a high from recreational use, gummies or weed are the primary choices.

CBD overdose

In CBD, a high or a low dosage is described using concentration. One can increase the dose to a maximum of 1500mg/kg. An amount beyond this concentration is considered very high. Notably, an overdose will not occur in CBD products. Studies have shown that humans can tolerate more than 1500mg/kg. If you administer an excess 1500mg/kg before the previous dosage is fully absorbed, it raises the CBD content in the body systems. This is because the few cannabinoids receptor in the body will not take in the excess CBD for utilization. However, one should not freely increase the dosage beyond 1500mg/kg. Evans (2020) noted that extra CBD in the blood may lead to severe side effects like dry mouth, a change in appetite, and lightheadedness. Even though research on CBD overdose is limited, there could be more side effects of excess intake of CBD.

It is important to note that CBD Oil Gummies overdose is relative. The impact of CBD accumulation in blood manifests in side effects. Typically, CBD users present different side effects. Therefore, an overdose in one person may not be similar to an overdose in the other, especially when there are no visible side effects. Hence, users can have self-regulated mechanisms to discern what constitutes an overdose.

CBD overdose warning

CBD interacts with other medications in several ways. Jiang et al. (2013) noted that as the substance is broken down in the liver, it inhibits cytochrome’s P450 role in drug absorption and efficacy. As a result, the liver cannot metabolize drugs taken for other medication. Therefore, the unmetabolized drug becomes highly concentrated in the blood leading to unwanted side effects. Some medicines that may interact with CBD include; Fluoxetine, grapefruit juice, triazolam, and amitriptyline, which are metabolized through the cytochrome p450 system. However, this should not stop you from using CBD. You should consult your doctor about potential CBD effects of the interaction between CBD and your medication.

Certain types of CBD are accessible to use and essentially require self-prescription. For example, the CBD isolate, the mildest form on the spectrum, is generally available under self-prescription. Similarly, the Buy CBD Oil such as CBD edibles are conveniently packed like everyday products. For example, the CBD edibles packed in gummies are primarily found in different sweet flavors. This makes the drugs susceptible to overdose. Juvenile users can easily access the drugs if not adequately monitored. Therefore, users and authorities should ensure a proper monitoring to prevent related side effects associated with overdose.


Most CBD products have a clear indication of the drug contents they contain. This is significant for first-time users to determine how to take the product. It is therefore essential to determine the drug interactions, proper dosage, and potential side effects. An elevated level of CBD in the bloodstream is not toxic. However, one should not intentionally overdose because an accumulation of CBD in the bloodstream could have side effects. Lastly, overdose is relative among CBD users. It takes self-regulation to discern the limit of CBD that one’s body can take. Users must therefore ensure they ‘listen’ to their bodies for signs of overdose for the CBD products.


Brown, J. D., & Winterstein, A. G. (2019). Potential adverse drug events and drug–drug interactions with medical and consumer cannabidiol (CBD) use. Journal of

clinical medicine, 8(7), 989.

Evans, J. (2020). The Ultimate Guide to CBD: Explore the World of Cannabidiol. Fair

Winds Press

Jiang, R., Yamaori, S., Okamoto, Y., Yamamoto, I., & Watanabe, K. (2013). Cannabidiol

is a potent inhibitor of the catalytic activity of cytochrome P450 2C19. Drug metabolism andpharmacokinetics, DMPK-12.

Teitelbaum, J. (2019). A hemp oil, CBD, and marijuana primer: powerful pain, insomnia,

and anxiety-relieving tools. Altern.Ther. Health Med, 25, 21-23.